Herring Chamber Ensemble 27th Annual Winter Concert

Sunday, February 23, 2025 ┃ 3:00pm
Charles E. Daniel Chapel Furman University

Adults $40 ┃ Students $20

The twenty-four voices of the Herring Chamber Ensemble have established themselves as a premier choral chamber ensemble through their beautiful and exciting performances of a broad repertoire. Each a professional soloist, the Ensemble singers are dedicated to professional-level performances of great and entertaining literature. Featured in this concert will be Benjamin Britten’s “Hymn to St.Cecilia” (patron saint of musicians), Arnold Schönberg’s benchmark “Friede auf Erden” (Peace on Earth), settings of Native American Indian prayers by Bob Chilcott, and a variety of “Maestro’s Favorites” from the Ensemble’s twenty-seven year history.

The Herring Ensemble is sponsored by Gordon and Sarah Herring, part of the heart of musical and educational philanthropy in the upstate.