Author: Greenville Chorale

Rick Conte, tenor

Rick was born in Greenville SC. He is a recent graduate at Clemson University in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in music concentrated in voice. He was a member of Clemson University Singers and Clemson’s Men’s Choir. He also was a tenor and soloist in the all male acapella group Tigeroar and the co-ed acappella group Dynamix. He was also a member of Clemson’s Chamber Choir Cantorei…

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Michael Gray, tenor

Mike was born in Asheboro, NC and raised in Greenville, SC. He has served as Senior Pastor at Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Taylors, SC, for twenty-five years. His music education in college included a minor in music with a voice proficiency and participated in choir during his undergraduate education. In 2014 he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. He has directed both church and high school choirs and has sung with the Anderson chorale…

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David Mark Rasbach, Tenor

David, a native of Johnstown, PA, now resides in Greenville, SC, where he divides his time between teaching, directing Rushingbrook Children’s Choir and composition. Mr. Rasbach studied with organist, Donald Wilkins at Carnegie-Mellon Conservatory of Music, and he is a graduate of Bob Jones University, from where he holds a bachelor’s degree in organ and a master’s degree in composition…

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Randall Traynham, tenor

Randy is a native of Greenville. Randall attended the SC Governor’s School for the Arts and graduated from Furman University with a bachelor of arts in music where he was a member of Furman Singers, Furman Choir, and the Phi Mu Alpha Men’s Chorus. He earned an MBA from Troy University and is employed by PaymentsFirst as director of education…

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TJ Turner, tenor

T.J. was recently named one of Memphis’s Top 20 Under 35 and received the University of Memphis Graduate Document Award for his dissertation research. He has received positive reviews of his “solid performances” in his professional debut as The Doctor in The Handmaid’s Tale with GLOW Lyric Theatre: Opera Wire described his “crystalline high tenor” as “delightful to listen to.”…

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